Musical Minds is a unique program of Music and Movement created for children from 18 months to 5 years of age. This program adds value and vital enrichment to our already wonderful centre.
The Handwriting Without Tears program for Preschoolers develops coloring, drawing, counting and handwriting readiness. The program uses crayons instead of pencils or markers because a pen and marker can mark without much effort. When children use a crayon they need to make it move in order for it to mark.
Dot-to-dot letters aren't as effective because children focus on the dots, just going from one dot to the next. They learn to follow dots, but they don't learn the strokes. In Handwriting Without Tears children trace over the grayed strokes, then the underlying gray strokes disappear! The page shows just the child's letter or numbers.
To learn the alphabet, they learn the easiest strokes first. They learn cross, square and rectangle shapes, vertical and horizontal lines, which are L, F, E, H, T, U and I. Then they learn curves - C, O, Q, G, S, and J - and circle shape. Then they learn the big and little curves, such as D, P and B. Then, diagonals such as R, K, A, V, M, N, X, Y and Z, and triangle and diamond shapes. It is a more natural progression this way as their fine motor skills develop.
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